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...About Us...


Bridging Ancient Ways to our Modern Day

At In Alchemy, it is our vision to be a pillar of change in these times, to bring forward the New Earth in which we wish to live, starting with us. We embody our name “in alchemy” by knowing that we too as a brand, are ever changing, we deeply listen to the land, to spirit & to one another to ensure we are continuing to move in these ways towards our intention. We see a coming together, a reconnection to our Mother Earth & we support this remembering through our offerings, our oils, tinctures, earth medicines, cacao, meditations & more to be revealed. We deeply believe in reciprocity & reverence, we choose to give back to the lands that have supported this brands coming to life. We do not subscribe to over-consumption & so our  products are mostly handmade, wildcrafted, intentionally and lovingly in small batches to ensure the regeneration of our planet, and our coming back to being in harmony with our Home. We believe that to truly find a love for ourselves, we can start to look at our Great Mother Earth; through Her we can cultivate rituals in our life that do in turn affect the whole. At In Alchemy we become a bridge for the ways of the ancients, for the whispers of our Earth to remind us in these current times; why we are alive, and how to truly honour this gift of life.



To Reconcile the Opening of Humanity's Hearts

We have come together to plant and water the seeds for a transformative shift in our current society, to awaken conscious consumption that holds deep roots in ethical and regenerative trading practices. We commit ourselves to supporting local first, our own witches, herbalists, creatives & artists within our close communities & kin. When we extend beyond our own lands we do so with intention, reverence and respect to the cultures, lands & people that we gratefully trade with. Our offerings are cultivated to support our reconnection to the beauty of our Earth, to reconcile the opening of humanity hearts so we be guided by love & remember to take greater care for ourselves & each other, our human family. We know that to slow down is to truly live, to be present in each moment soaking it all in, to remember that we are creating our lives through our thoughts, our intentions & from here we reconcile a loving harmony within all that we see, and all that we are. We are here to be a reminder for those seeking a deeper connection to the allness that is. Welcome, home is here & you belong. 

Transforming Health & Wellness


Brand Manifesto

Words from Abbey

I believe that life is pulsating with magick, with opportunities for miracles and our deepest desires to be made manifest. I believe that we can access this, each moment that we are truly present. When we are not present, we will simply miss the beauty and can not access the truth of this.


Wisdom, truth, expression, soul direction, intuition, lessons, growth, authentic connection, the mystery of what the future has in store for us. 


The true gift of life is found right here, in this moment.


It is found in the noticing of the subtle rustling of birds amongst the gum tree leaves. It is found in the sensation of the sun warmly caressing your skin after days of rain. It is in the inspired thought & deep clarity for your next step that takes your breath away. It is found in the slow & connected movement of your body to subtle enchanting frequencies. It is found in the enriching connections and conversations that happen when you choose that here is the most important place to be.


But unfortunately, as a collective, we've become a little lost.


We have taken ourselves so far away from what is in front of us, we project ourselves so far into the future, it trips us up. We forget about the beauty that IS here, all around, now. And instead, we worry about a 'some day' that might never come.

And yes, a level of awareness about what is to come is helpful, but not when it takes us away from what is TRULY important, the gift of what is here, now, this breath, this moment.


Here is where it is all found. Where it is conceived, birthed, breathing, alive.


The future only exists in your mind, the past is but a memory, the only thing for certain is this moment, right now. And when you can access this moment, to it's depths, here you will find the gold you have been ever searching for.


In presence, you will find your way to pleasure, you will alchemise pain, you will begin to play with the gift of this experience, you will make your existence a living art piece accustomed to your chosen aesthetic.


When you focus on the destination, when you hurry, hustle, force, yourself with your are fighting a battle you have already lost.

In your ambitious drive forward, you are taking yourself away from the beauty and gift of what LIFE desires to GIVE and gift you, right now.


Are you hearing me?


I stand for the expansive experience of the j.o.u.r.n.e.y.


To really thrive as humanity, we must let go of the insatiable thirst to arrive at a destination that leads to... nowhere.


Personally, I am inspired by ritual, the honour it is to carve our life intentionally, moment by moment. I believe in setting the space for visions to come to the surface & be made manifest. I share this because I live this; in ritual, in devotion, in ceremony & I am here to share this connection with you too.


Intentional spaces and ceremony drop us into our living truth. These spaces reveal our REAL expression, our gifts, our desires, our fears, our burdens, all revealing to be alchemised.


When we know what is beneath the surface awaiting our presence, we begin to take the steps to shift our frequency and move into our next state of being. And this is NOT linear, we could circle, spiral, ascend, or descend, what matters is beginning, the rest will come, there is no end.

I choose to create beauty in all that I do, devoting to the enchanting mystery that is life.


In Alchemy is the offering of CONNECTION to our roots, our healing, our remembering. We connect you through Ancient Natural Medicines, Ceremony, Herbal Oils, Elixirs, Meditations & more.


And the beauty of our brand is that it too, is "in alchemy" always shifting and evolving to meet the collective with what is needed.


The poison of our society comes in the form of disconnection, the antidote, its opposite; connection. We need to connect, to remember.

The medicine of our brand & creation is this.


I want others to know how available it is for them to live a truly fulfilling life, however that looks for them. When we reconnect to our roots, when we discover our truth, when we look at who we really are underneath all else that is illusory, the light we have been longing for finally shines. and from here we rise. With clarity comes certainty. And not the certainty that says 'I know where I am going, now and always' no... that is also illusion.


I'm talking about the certainty that one holds in their being when they KNOW that even when they don't know where they are going, that they are on the right path. And they know this because they are deeply listening. They are listening to the subtleties that tell them when to pause, to rest, to reflect, to reach out for support & they are listening also to the moments when life is calling them to change their course entirely.


The Point...


There is nowhere to get to.

There is deep wisdom and truth in the realms beyond.

There is magick and information alive inside of us to access when we open our hearts.

There is an alchemy to this existence.

Allow yourself to fall in love with who you are, where you are, as you are. 

To realise and embody your desires and goals, and trust that all that is required of you is to be one with life in the moment. And from this space, is how we take our next steps that lead us into fullness.

Ritual and ceremony open the door to this possibility.

Creating an intentional life is how we carve our destiny.

Ritual, Intention, Presence & Deep Listening are our tools.


In Alchemy is the awareness that goes beyond any end goal, and instead, into the creative juice of heart and truth - the substance of what it means to be in the experience rather than lost and disconnected, in an incessant search for a non-existent destination.

You have already ARRIVED. Here. Now.


If you embodied this truth, what could you allow?


With love,



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